Seminar in Siegmundsburg

Our yearly summer school event
  • Vortrag im Seminarraum
    Foto: FG Funktionenräume
    A series of talks

    will be regularly contributed by students, PhD students and young researchers.

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Panorama von Siegmundsburg
Panorama von Siegmundsburg
Foto: Unbekannt

The Research Group Function spaces organizes an annual summer school called

Summer school "Analysis and Theoretical Numerics".

Long-standing, close relations to other universities, for instance to research groups at the Charles University Prague, the Technical University Chemnitz, the Philipps University Marburg, and the Johannes Kepler University Linz, make it an international event, in particular for young researchers in analysis and theoretical numerics.

The next summer school will take place

from August 26, 2025, to August 28, 2025.

Past seminars